Thursday, May 7, 2009

National Day of Prayer

(Below is an excerpt from my journal, written on May 07, 2009)

Father God,

I had totally forgotten until just a moment ago, when you saw fit to remind me: today is The National Day of Prayer. All over the country, Christians are lifting up their voices in petition for this great nation. I've read that some people do not intend to offer any special prayers on this day, as if they have contempt for the very idea. But I intend to, since I do not pray for my country and it's leaders on a daily basis.

America is at war. I'm not talking about the war in Iraq; that is only a temporary war. No, America has been locked in battle since her birth. He did not mind if she gained her freedom, so long as she used her freedom as an excuse to do evil. And that, sadly, is precisely what she has done. America as a country united under God is almost a thing of the past. Everyone is 'free' to do whatever they please, with little to no regard for other people, and no whatsoever for any moral standard. I think that the freedoms of America are more dangerous for Christians than the persecution in other countries. They pray for us, because they can clearly see how soft and complacent we have become in our imaginary bubble of safety.

I pray first today for Christians across America. Wake them up! Remind them of who they are, and what they're here for. Straighten out their priorities. Unite churches in love; don't let people bicker over the trivial matters that so often divide us. Remind us that we are all a part of one global church, one Body of Christ, not individual cliques or social clubs. Bless the few who really get it, and help them to spread their message. Add to our number daily and help us to disciple them. Help us to use our freedom while it lasts.

I pray for those Christians in positions of influence, be they businessmen, pastors, politicians, law enforcement or military officials, athletes or whatever else. Help and inspire them to use their station in life to take a bold, public stand against evil, for your sake and in your name. Help them to keep their footing, so that your name will not be mocked. Teach these men and women that they were raised to these positions of worldly power 'for such a time as this.'

God, it is a little hard for me to pray for President Obama, since I am somewhat suspicious of him. However, I pray that his motives are pure, and that since he professes Christianity, he will lead this country in a way that is pleasing to you. I know he has a lot to deal with, from the conflict in Iraq to our current economic situation, so please give him wisdom and discernment. Let him seek you in all his decision-making. I pray that his term in the White House will be marked down in history books not just because he was our nation's first African-American leader, but because he was a leader of integrity.

Pray for our country.

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