Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Elijah and Elisha: Elisha

(Below is a letter I recently received from a dear friend.  Portions have been edited/omitted for privacy's sake.)

Dear Danika, 

I know how much you enjoy getting real mail.

I've had a few good conversations lately, with two people I know.  Neither was extremely focused; they felt like the way you would debrief someone after coming back from a mission trip--you tell them what God has done/is doing in your life.  It encourages them and grows their faith.  I feel like I've been doing that a lot, lately.

I thought of you a few days ago.  It seems as though you have been gone much longer than you really have.  I heard the intensive went well.  Yay!  I'm sure the next couple of weeks will be quite busy for you, as you go ahead and get ahead with your work for the semester, like you usually do.  I look forward to what God's going to use you to do this year.  I have no doubt that you will do great things for the glory of God.  After all, you already are.  

On Sunday night, we had small groups again.  It was the first time we were all together since classes ended last semester.  As you know, I had long since since been praying about who to disciple.  Earlier that day, I had read a chapter in Shane Claiborne's "Lead Me to Freedom" called "Who to Lead."  No coincidence.  The girl I had chosen showed up at my small group.  Unknowingly, she was put with me for a discussion question thing that we do, and later she sat with me to watch the video Bible study thing that we do.  It was on the theology of creation in Genesis, and the future of the church in a corrupt and immoral society.  She asked really good questions.  This girl gets it.  I smile.  She reminds me of myself, a bit.  I'm thoroughly amused, and excited to see what God does with her as well.  

(Elijah sought out Elisha; talk about a flashback.) 

On the other hand, it kind of freaked me out.  When I got home last night, it really hit me.  Life is fully going.  Let me explain.  When I think about it, I realize I'm about the same age you were when you met me.  It's like Elijah and Elisha all over again.  The thought scared me at first.  It was a sad thought, really.  Elijah was taken from Elisha, you know.  It's just weird to find myself in the same place you were a few years ago, especially since we're so similar.  Life has come full circle, in a sense.  When I thought about this, I can't say I didn't wonder if perhaps God has accomplished all that He has intended to use you for, as Elijah, in my life.  I don't know that for certain; I can't.  But I believe it to be true; I think so.  

I really hope you aren't crying, reading this.  I cried the last time I was with you.  Maybe I knew then, and perhaps that's why I cried.  

Every day seems so long, but things happen so fast.  I find myself asking God many hard questions as of late.  It's very much a "Where do we go from here?" sort of thing.  I'm going away for the summer, and then to college after a semester, and after that--eventually--the mission field.  And you will be working with Jews, someplace.  E. E. Cummings once said, "It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are."  It feels like such a long time has passed.  And that's where we are now.  It's such a cliche thing to say, but it makes sense.  

I have seen so much grace and mercy and love poured out over the past few years.  Neither of us is the same at all.  I know you've said that you love seeing me, now that I'm older.  It's quite the same with you, too; I love seeing what God is doing with you as well.  And I can't believe that this seems to be it.  It's so weird.  I'm not saying we won't be friends--of course we will!  We'll be the best of friends.  But I will miss Elijah.  In fact, that's sort of how I'm always going to think of you--as Elijah.  

Alright; I know you're probably crying or laughing right now, because you tend to do that when I write you.  But I just wanted to tell you that.

God is most certainly about to move, here.  I can feel it in the air, just like you can tell when it's about to rain.  I am quite glad this season in my life is ending.  Surely, God has greater things to do next, whatever they may be.  It's going to be a crazy journey, but I'm up for it.  

I climbed to the top of a parking deck in the city this weekend and looked out over the projects.  Twinkling lights dotted the land as far as I could see into the darkness.  The view reminded me of how big God is, and of my calling.  It made me terribly homesick for heaven.  And somehow, that seems to be the best sort of closure.  I am certain that God couldn't be any more faithful.  We are so blessed, love.  God is doing a very good work.  He is always with us, and has much more to teach us.  I am so grateful He put you in my life.

I hope you are encouraged.  I hope you're closer to God than you have ever been before.  Know that I am praying for you, always.  I love you so very much.



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