Sunday, May 22, 2011


"It is easy to love the people far away.  It is not always easy to love those close to us.  It is easier to give a cup of rice to relieve hunger than to relieve the loneliness and pain of someone unloved in our own home.  Bring love into your home, for this is where our love for each other must start."  -Mother Teresa

God has spent the whole of my Christian life teaching me about the value of relationships.  Relationships are the medium through which God chooses to portray His love.  By loving one another, Christians demonstrate the love of God.  I have learned much about loving my brothers and sisters, and loving the lost--these teachings ring in our ears every Sunday.  But I have also begun to learn how essential it is to demonstrate that love at home.

Summer has brought me home again.  It is interesting to watch God's plans take shape; interesting, and not always comfortable.  Last year, I had hoped I would be spending this summer in Israel.  In January, I had hoped I would spend my summer traveling and working with the National Missionary Convention's summer team.  However, shortly after mailing in my applications, God began to impress upon me that it was His will and desire for me to spend the summer at home, in order to build and strengthen my relationship with my family.  While I waited for word on my applications, I wrestled with God and submitted my will to His.  Whatever He desired, I was willing to do.  By the time I received the final word on those applications, the decision to go home was already made.

So here I am.  What exactly am I doing here?

Yes, I want to catch up with old friends, and maybe make a few new ones.  Yes, I want to get to a job.  But those things are not my priority.  You see, I've only been home for a week, but preparations to come home began months ago.  I've been praying for God to give me the wisdom, strength and courage to love and serve my family well.  My family is my priority, this summer.

Every family has it's difficulties and struggles--that's no secret.  Love is often hardest to express within one's own family, where personality differences and miscommunication can make conflict frequent.  But family is also a place where love can be learned, and grown.  My family isn't perfect; neither am I.  Nevertheless, I know that God will use this summer to grow all of us and knit us together in love.

My summer may not appear to be full of great purpose, but it is full of God's purpose.  And that is more than enough for me.

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